Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Hello y'all!

We are safe and sound at Dylan's parents. Amazingly, in the week between us deciding to leave for sure/booking the ticket and us leaving Japan, we got everything wrapped up: apartment settled, bills paid, ourselves packed, appropriate things shipped here, and even had enough time to see friends and say goodbye.

Since we're back now, I'm thinking that my entries will stop for a while. At least until we get up to something remotely interesting. But, seeing as how we are who we are, that shouldn't take too long. Just so you know, don't be expecting much for the next couple of months.

And then we went to Beijing. Man, is that place intense! The entire population of Canada is 30 million people and, in Beijing alone, there are 17 million. Since we were only there for such a short period of time, we spent all of our time in the tourist sections of town. I doubt we got an authentic view of the city, but we definitely got our share of dealing with pullers/pushers. It seems like absolutely absolutely everyone was trying to sell us something. Turns out being white makes you an easy target. "Hello! Where are you going? Let's go!"

So, you know how Beijing hosted the Olympics last year? They have this huge section a couple of blocks big devoted to buildings they built for it. That has been sitting empty since. They used the Birds Nest for soccer sometimes, but for the most part, it is just there for tourist to come and take pictures of the pretty lights on the building. The roads are all still blocked off. Apparently, the plan is to convert some of the buildings into shopping centers. It completely breaks my brain to think of the millions of dollars that were spent, and now it sits there are a giant tourist trap.

Other than that, we went to the Great Wall. Aptly names, I might say. Went to the Forbidden City. Saw Tian'anmen Square. As I said, very touristy things, but quite neat. To be honest, I was thrilled most of the time. I have wanted to go to China for so long and it was crazy to actually get to be there.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

All my bags are packed and I'm ready to go...

Well, not really. My bags will be packed soon, but I don't think that either Dylan or I are especially ready to go. For those of you who have not yet heard: Dylan and I are coming back to Canada.

After our epic two month battle with immigration and our even longer battle with the company Dylan worked for, our time in Japan is over for now. Immigration has turned us down for a work visa twice and, seeing as how Dylan hasn't been able to work for a while, we are quite low on money. So, without the time, money, energy, or morale to find Dylan another job, we are heading home.

There are a ton of reasons why this is probably for the best: we get to be home for Christmas, we get to see the people we love and have been missing for the last four months, we get to be home for the Olympics, I'll have more time to learn Japanese, it will be a chance for us to replenish our bank accounts, this whole trip will just serve as experience that will undoubtably help us when we decide to return to Japan (we're thinking 2011), etc, etc, etc. It doesn't mean that the last three-four months haven't been extremely hard on us and that we aren't incredibly sad to be leaving, to have failed at what we set out to do. Failed at something for apparently no other reason than incredible bad luck and timing - considering how many people have come, carried out the exact same steps we have and had everything work out swimmingly. It is difficult to not feel like no matter how much we love it here, Japan just doesn't feel the same way about us.

Anyways, Dylan and I fly out of Japan on the 11th to Beijing, have ourselves a consolation weekend there, and then fly into Vancouver on the 14th. Oddly enough, spending a weekend in China is cheaper than flying home directly from here (well, flying through China is cheaper, we just gave ourselves a LONG layover 'cause it would be sad to miss out on a chance to see the city to save the cost of a weekend at a hostel).

As sad as it is for us to be leaving, we're looking forward to seeing all of you. This trip has yet again showed us that we have some of the best friends and family that one could hope for and we love you guys.