Saturday, March 28, 2015

Year and a Half

So. It's been about a year and a half since I last posted. Huh.

Let's see. In that year and a half, I've:

-Gotten my crazy, loving, hyper, cuddly lil' buddy, Euclid (aka Yuki).

-Travelled to Hiroshima with my lovely friends.

     -Gone to Kyoto with Em.


 -Gone on a trip to Hokkaido with Hubby for the snow festival.

-Committed to, planned, and traveled around South East Asia.


 -Had my darling daddy-in-law visit us in Japan.

 -Gotten myself knocked up.

-Spent five months in Canada with my fantastically wonderful family and friends.

-And had the most perfectest baby girl.

Life's pretty amazing.