Thursday, November 26, 2009

My dear Clair has put me to shame with her super regular updating. Therefore, I decided to grace you all with a second update in a week! Woah. This one won't be nearly as epic.

So, yesterday we finally headed into Kok

ura to visit the castle (it was one of the first things I told Pauly that we'd be doing before she even came here). I was kinda worried, because I was excited to go since Dylan and I had walked around the outside before, but since it was closed we didn't go inside and as I kept going on and on about it to her, I kept hoping that it didn't turn out to be super lame. There has been a castle in that spot since the 1600s, but was burnt down in the 1800s. Blah, blah, useless filler so that it looks like I have more to talk about than I actually do. It was rebuilt in the 60s and fully restored in the 90s. Id est, not quite the same as the super old castles in Europe that people have co

me to expect when they hear the word castle. BUT, it turned out that the castle was super cool. They had all of these cool old samurai gear, a bunch of art of tigers (Since this is the year of the tiger! Go Bayside!), a whole bunch of interactive stuff (that made me happy and feel like a five year old - but a five year old who was having a lot of fun) like a game to see if you could properly set a tray of food to serve to someone, and a game to see it you could run faster than a mail currier (Dylan could, Pauly and I could not). Plus, the view out of the windows was amazing, and the gardens were beautiful with all of the trees changing colours. There was also a model of the castle made out of toothpicks. ~150, 000 toothpicks, actually.

Turns out, the word of this entry: SUPER. Isn't that super?

Today, we went down to the mall so Pauly could do some shopping. Randomly, on the way, we ran into Andy, who was on his way home from work and tagged along with us. And I bought a black sweat shirt that says "GOOD CHOICE" across my butt. In bright red, with a line of stars on top and below the words. But it's ok, everyone told me that

they didn't think it brought any attention to my bum. Why would they lie?

As a closing note, the other day Dylan bite my arm and left a tooth shaped bruises. Incidentally, today I read this comic:

I think it is a good representation of our relationship! It is now set as my desktop.


  1. yay second update! why does this shirt even cover your butt? I think I need pictures...

  2. I have the "Whar is my kitty?" set as my desktop. And I has pictures of the glorious sweatshirt going up! Muahahaha!
