Sunday, January 9, 2011

I want a hippopotamus for Christmas.

So, it has been pointed out to me that I suck at updating. This may be true, since I think my last post was exactly a month ago. It is also highly unfortunate, since that means that I have all of December to update you on, which includes Hubby's family visiting, Christmas, a trip to Maine, and Dylan's staff party, and I'm sure a million less important things. I blame Clair. Her semi-regular updates normally shame me into at least say hi occasionally, but she's been dropping the ball lately. Ah, nerdy memories from the Great 8 Escape. Anyway, I guess I should get started! (Don't worry, I'm pretty sure that I'll have to break this down into a couple posts.)

Ok, early Dec. was fairly boring and consisted mostly of me trying to clean so that Dylan's mom wouldn't spend her whole time here 'just quickly wiping this' (which is exactly what she did when we moved into our sublet in June). And moving stuff around enough so that 6 people could function in our 2-bdr home somewhat successfully. Have I mentioned that the only seating we have is the futon, my computer chair, and Fredrick, the amoeba-shaped footstool Dylan rescued years ago? Luckily, Dylan's fantastically nice boss lent us some folding chairs so that people didn't have to eat Christmas dinner on the floor. Oh, yah, we also don't have a dining room table, so dinner was eaten around the coffee table in the front room/Dylan's brother's room. But I'm getting ahead of myself since they weren't even here yet. Before people arrived, (as in pretty much on the way to the airport) we also got Putt-Putt some new winter tires so that we won't die this winter. Part of this pre-family-arrival time, Dylan was off being poked with needles.

Then people arrived! Dylan's brother and his fiance got here on the 20th, and the four of us got a day to hang out before the in-laws (I say in-laws because it's the shortest way of referring to them, but know that I hate and in no way mean to call upon any negative stereotypes that are commonly associated with the term; writing Dylan's Mommy and Daddy just gets to be a bit much after a while) arrived. We went out for dinner and I admit, it was all my fault. We had been driving around looking for somewhere that had something other than sushi or really fancy looking french food, and we saw this noodle place and I made the decision to eat there. I think it was called Schezwan Noodles. My food, that was something, was good. Dylan had General Tao chicken and that was fine. His brother and soon-to-be-sister-in-law ordered a combo thing that came with hot and sour soup. It was not good. It was, in fact, hilariously awful. It looked and tasted like watered down sweet and sour sauce (yes, it was VERY slimy) with whatever was in the back thrown in. It was special and probably not the best introduction into Montreal dining.

I would launch into the arrival of the in-laws, but it is late and this seems like a good place to stop. So I leave you with this. Dylan seems to think that there is some thing wrong with my iPod's scrobbling.


  1. OMG A POST. Hooraaaaaaaay!!!! That was no nearly as long as I would have liked. I expect more. Soon please, yes? Yes.

  2. Ahahaha I absolutely think of the great 8 escape every time I hear that expression. Absolutely.

  3. How long do you want me to make one post? Especially a post where you have already heard everything already?

    Me too, Clar. Me too.

  4. So, other than the fact that you don't seem to have gotten any new music in a long time, why does Dylan have a problem with your Itunes?
