Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Here goes.

Ok, so maybe we'll start off slow? Sure, why not. I hired a realtor. Well, I hired him over a week ago, but today we settled on a listing price and are going to get the paperwork started.

I still can't believe I'm selling my parents' house. Heck, I can't believe on how many levels I can't believe I'm selling their house. So many people have worked so hard over the last six months and I am eternally grateful for all the support I've gotten and my family has gotten. But it's unlikely that I will even walk into my parents' house again. It's unlikely that I will ever see firsthand all the renovations that have been done. And I'm just jumping from the world of not knowing anything about hiring and arranging people to do work on the house to the world of not knowing anything about real estate. This house has only ever belonged to our family. It was built for us. Only five people have ever lived in it. I grew up there. Everything, the good and the bad, that was my family was that house. And I'm the one who is changing that. It's what (almost) everyone wants, but it is going to be my name on that paper. I know no matter what we'd need to sell it eventually, and now makes sense if only so that we go from two overwhelmingly large stressful things in our lives to one. But it still breaks my heart.

 Got the nice new apartment. Finished registering for classes for September. Yah.

Thursday, August 2, 2012


It's been six months as of yesterday. It both feels like more and less time should have passed. I've been debating using this as somewhere to unload all those annoying feeling things. But that seems like it be a pretty big downer and a radical shift from using this to update everyone on my fun outings. I don't know. I rant and rave at people, but I don't typically talk about being sad. Maybe I should? Maybe I'll wait a week or so until I'm feeling better? I got accepted into Carleton. Talking to Paul reminded me that I'm not always the best at telling people my plans big picture. So, as of September, I'll be doing a year full time in Criminology and then hopefully switching the year after into Social Work. They're also giving me a bit of money to do all this, so that's cool. At the very least it makes me feel somewhat smart and like all the work I put into my first degree is being recognized a little bit. Yah. Rugby is ongoing. I'm slowly going from really really sucking to just really sucking. I'm getting into somewhat better shape. Having fun getting jarred around every week. I haven't been doing much else. Between work and rugby and trying to help out as much as I can with stuff back home from here, there isn't really time. Umm, I went out for brunch on Sunday. That was ok. Yah.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Hey there. Sorry it's been so long. Life has been... hard lately. (Read: spectacularly crappy.) And, for reasons that may be completely ridiculous, writing anything on here has been a really hard thing to get back into. I don't really have much to say. The whole point of this is pretty much to jump over the hurdle of getting it done. Accepting things as they are and all that jazz. Think happy thoughts in my direction.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Apparently I only keep you up to date right before I see you.

Hanging out at the airport. I may or may not have gotten here freakishly early. But my flight starts boarding in 15 mins, so it's not too bad.

Oh, and apparently wearing boots with giant metal buckles was not my best move. Sigh. But I did get to go through the body scanner!

In unrelated news, Tim Thomas is an idiot who likes to alienate 90% of his team. Maybe someone should have pointed out that it wasn't a good move to talk about the evils of foreigners talking American jobs when you play on a professional hockey team where you are one of three Americans on said team. Oops.


Sunday, January 22, 2012

So, I'm fairly bored.

That means: blog times!!


Sorry that that is apparently all you mean to me. I love you anyway.

Last night was hanging out with coworkers time. Or, as I like to think of it, 'Cool, I have a life! Kinda. At least for today. Yah.' So after work, one of the girls came over to watch me eat (...not because she lives far away and needed somewhere to hangout). Oh, but first I went to the store and napped (because having a life is hard work). Anyways, after she was done admiring my culinary skills, we went down to the pub-type place conveniently located right beside work and met up with other work folk. Then headed off to shake what our mommas gave us.

The club had an adorable stamp. See?

Anyways, we danced lots. Had a regular show up that we invited 'cause we're like that. He was pretty adorable with his super awkward dancing.

Clair and I had sushi today. It was delicious.

And Tuesday I hop a plane to go and see some lovely people. See ya soon!