Saturday, October 24, 2009

Lazy Saturday.

Dylan and I are having a fairly boring day today.

So I though that while Dylan was busy playing on his computer, 

I'd give you a quick visual update of our lives... 

No, that was a lie. I'm just posting a few pictures to show Pauly the results of me playing with henna. That was the more impressive picture.

This one was just me, well, drawing stars.


And, as a final treat:

 after I fell in the gutter.

Ok, I'm now confident I made that as non-sensical and pointless as possible. Mission accomplished for the day.


  1. =O! PICTURES! I LOVE PICTURES!! Thanks! You're the BEST.

  2. ooh pretty henna. and I love pictures too! You look older and wiser.

  3. ...older and wiser was what I was going for!
