Monday, March 8, 2010

So, as expected, nothing exceptionally noteworthy has been happening in our lives since we've returned. Dylan got one of his old jobs back and got a new one at a restaurant downtown. It took me slightly longer to find a job, but now I'm working at a touristy coffee store downtown that seems quite promising to not suck. Random stuff has happened around us, I guess, like friends moving, people going on trips, the odd bits of family drama and whatnot, but life has been pretty tame for us the last few months. Not that that is at all a bad thing. It is, after all, one of the reasons we are here - a place to enjoy some calm and to take it easy while we pay off our bills and save up some dough for our next adventure.

Next adventure, you ask? Well, the whole Japan thing didn't work out quite as planned, but since we had also more or less accustomed ourselves to the idea of not living here while we were off adventuring, we decided not to let our Japan failures hold us back. We've instead settled for a somewhat smaller, but no less exciting, adventure of moving to Montreal! with our dear friend Clair! The plan, more or less, is for us to finish paying off our debts and then go. Don't start panicking yet though - it will take us a few months to do that. We still need to figure out how we're moving our stuff out, where we're going to be living, find jobs, and everything else that goes along with moving. But, we have a plan and that is really the biggest hurdle, right?


  1. Whoa. Double Take'd.

    I never took your blog out of my rotation. And I'm so used to just flipping to the next page that this was a surprise. Yeah. Word.

  2. Ah! Tammy blog! It was the very last thing on my google reader out of 38 items, but I could see that there was an update in the sidebar...the suspense was killing me!
    Perhaps I will update as well...

    Love you Tammy!

  3. Excellent! My evil plan of ......was realized! Or something. Yah. something
