Sunday, November 21, 2010

Crazy thing I've noticed in the last month here in good ol' Montreal: they all suddenly switched to winter wear. One day it was t-shirts and shorts, the next jeans and big jackets. Even last week, when it was about 5 degrees out, everyone was dressed in coats, toques, gloves and scarves. It made me feel like I stood out wearing my skirt and a light sweater. Our theory is that since Victoria has such a mild winter, we do a gradual layering throughout the autumn and winter, adding a sweat shirt to the long sleeve shirt, adding a scarf, adding a toque a bit later, and throwing on a pair of gloves and a jacket when it gets really cold. But since it gets so much colder here, they have a lot more clothing designed for it, so they need to switch over their entire wardrobe. I didn't think there was ever a reason to relocated to the back of the closet, but apparently there is. Whatever the reason, it was startling.

We've been keeping ourselves busy trying to figure out what we'll be doing next year. Dylan is hard at work on his Jet application and I am looking into a program that I'd like to take at McGill. I think it would be amazing, but there are a lot of things to take into consideration and a lot of things that would need to happen, the least of which would be actually getting accepted into the program. We are also in the middle of figuring out our Christmas plans.

Dylan's has been getting really good at the whole bread making thing. He made potato bread last week that was amazing. And he's also started making mayo. We have plans for a tomato plant, and he's also mentioned that he'd like to try his hand at making mustard sometime. And then I will be able to make a sandwich that was made from scratch. Well, it's not like we grew the wheat or raised the chickens that gave up the eggs to make the mayo, but you get my point. I'm excited.

In other news, kittens!

Yes, I have become a crazy cat lady and yes, I know that they aren't actually my cats.

1 comment:

  1. Hooray for blog posts!! And for kitties in your bathtub! And for Dylan making so much foodstuffs! =D
