Saturday, November 6, 2010

Boring Update.

One thing that I am eternally grateful for is my computers spell check. It just sits there, reading over my shoulder, gently pointing out whenever I make a mistake. It makes these posts, and my twitters, monumentally more bearable for all of you kind folk. Especially considering how horribly I misspelled 'bearable'. It cannot, however, fix the part of my brain that has to stop and think whether I mean 'where' or 'were', or 'sweat' or 'sweet' (I usually look this one up). I think it is also the part of my brain that forces me to say orange when I mean yellow. This part of my brain bothers me immensely (I misspelled that so badly my spell check didn't even know what I meant).

Anyways, my beloved husband burnt another dish towel. At least this one didn't light on fire because he left it in the oven; this one just was sitting on the stove when he accidentally turned on the wrong burner. And, of course, he wouldn't let me throw it away despite the fact that we have 90,000,000 dish towels.

But we did end up finding a use for it after all, so he wins this time. Kitty cape!

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