Thursday, October 28, 2010

To Sir, With Love


Happy 100th Birthday Granddad! Congrats.

My family is having a big celebration party thing for him today at my old stomping grounds (the church). Kinda bummed about missing it, especially since I haven't seen some of the people who are going in quite a while. Actually, I think one of my cousins who I have never met or only met when I was really young will be there. Not to mention that turning 100 is a huge deal!

It's SNOWING! I'm kinda scared, since it isn't even November yet. But it is so pretty.

So, Dylan had a friend/old coworker from Fujiya visiting this week. She actually is having a whirlwind tour of the East Coast - three days in Montreal, two in Quebec City, two in Ottawa, and two in Toronto before flying back to Japan. I, for one, know I don't have enough energy to be able to run around that much. But I'm an old lady.

Anyway, we continue to try and improve on our hosting abilities and to find all sorts of exciting things for visitors to do and see while here. Eventually, we will be the perfect hosts! We tried to take her to the botanical gardens, but the first day it poured rain and it was $14 per person (even though it is free after 5pm throughout the summer, during the fall they have a lantern festival and they pretend that that justifies the price). But, have no fear, Dylan took her back the next day and they had a lovely time. He also took her on a lovely drive through Montreal to see the sights. And the last day we tackled downtown. She has a particular fascination with old churches and cathedrals, so that part was easy since Montreal is loaded with them. Took her down St. Catherine's, to Old Montreal, to McGill and all around there.

And, as it turn out, it was FREE MUSEUM DAY! WOOT! We knew beforehand that the Museum of Contemporary Art would be free after 6pm. Yah, me and contemporary art are not bffs. There was one exhibit about a lady who was in love with her monkey. I don't know. Although this one dude had robots coming out of old fashioned blue and white vases, which were awesome. This is why I stay away from the fine arts...

Anywho, it turns out that the Museum of Fine Arts was also free. Unfortunately, it closed at 5pm and we showed up at 4:30pm, so it was a bit rushed. Still, it was cool to see Picasso and Rodin and all them. And, if that was enough to make it worth it:

Why is Dylan standing next to that picture of that random guy, you ask?

Because he's hanging with his great, great, .... grandpa! Woah.

1 comment:

  1. I am still thoroughly amazed at that picture. You should cherish it for many many years. ...the one with Dylan and his great grandpappy not the one with snow. Which is not quite as exciting.
