Saturday, October 9, 2010


My beloved laptop is safe and sound, happily charging away.

After wanting to scream and cry like a little girl because my favourite toy wasn't working the way it was supposed to, I went into the Apple website and found out it was still covered under warranty (Thanks to my beloved husband and his firm belief in extended warranties), which was a relief since I've had my computer for just over a year. It wouldn't have been a huge deal, since I was 98% positive I just needed to replace the power cord, but I would've been out $80. I still felt bad for any mistreatment from me that might have led to this problem, so I cleaned off the dirt between the keys with a Q-Tip. Anyway, I booked a tech call with Apple online for the next day (yesterday). It's actually very cool; you can book an appointment for a specific time and a rep will call you no latter than 15 mins after that. My dude called, literally, two minutes after the scheduled time. Anyway, we talked, I sent him this report that told him pretty much everything about my computer, and he decided that it would be easiest if I went into a store considering his options for problem solving were somewhat limited on the phone. Luckily for me, the scary report thing told him that my battery was working just fine, so that relieved some concerns. He went on and booked me a time to go in and talk to a Genius (what they actually call their tech guys) at the store downtown.

Wow, seriously. I'm sure you don't really care anymore. I don't think anyone in their right mind cares this much about my laptop other than me. But I'm still going to finish my story, 'cause I can.

Today, at my allotted time, I arrived, and the nice lady, Nancy(?) Genius, told me that some of the pins on the power cord where it connects with the computer got pushed in and that made for a less than optimal connection. And that it was unlikely that it was my fault. She gave me a new one and I was on my way!

They've changed them, too. I like the new look.

Now, I had a fancy new adaptor, but I still had my old extension for it (I left the bit that lets you plug the adaptor straight into the wall back in Victoria, so I always have to use the extension) that was all dirty and didn't match at all. So I cleaned it. Clair thought I was craaazzzzy! Especially since I cleaned it with a disinfectant wipe (it was the most convenient thing I had to clean it). Then I wiped down my laptop with it's nice little microfiber cloth and gave the screen a much-needed cleaning.

All is right in the world once again.