Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Can't sleep.

Today's my Papa's birthday. Happy Birthday Daddy! (It's still his birthday back in Victoria, at least.)

In other news, thanks to my dear friend Clair (although Pauly is probably the actual culprit, after having infested our entire home with germs a few weeks ago) , we are all suffering through a cold at the moment. For me, this means that the left side of my face is rebelling against me. My ear hurt, my throat hurts, my lymph nodes are swollen, and, most annoyingly, my nose has been running/blocked for the last 24 hrs non-stop. My poor sinuses are really, really unhappy with me. All of this has resulted in me not being able to sleep. I am very close to cutting off that whole side of my face.

But, I did manage to distract myself for a few hours today by accompanying Clair to this big fancy mall near us (Clair and I went to the Zellers there a few months ago). It is much bigger than we thought! In the one building, there is a Bay, a Sears, a Brick, a Zellers, an Old Navy, an H&M, a Smart Set, three kids clothing stores, every cell phone store you can think of, and a billion other smaller stores. There was also a Rona on the other side of the parking lot. Kinda sad that a mall in the some random neighbourhood is that much bigger than any mall in Victoria. What did I end up buying after wandering around this shopper's heaven for two hours? A spatula. I was pretty excited. Somehow, in the last four months, Dylan and I have managed to break two silicon spatulas. Because we are amazing.

Yesterday and today, Dylan decided to be all mountain-man, and set out to go camping all by his lonesome (I couldn't go) in the great outdoors! He packed up his tent and sleeping bag onto his bike and made the two-three hour trip to a national park, just west of Laval. Isn't he so manly? And, in an extremely unusual turn of events, he left and came back safe and sound, without incident. Depending on the weather, the two of us might head out next week as a final camping trip of the season. Who knows.

That's about it from our neck of the woods. Night night (hopefully).

1 comment:

  1. I am sorry that I infested your home with germs. The germs are probably floating around on all of the dust particles that I magically produce. Feel better!
