Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Wow, I kinda suck at this whole updating thing.

So, what up, you ask? Well, Pauly came and, sadly, left. But we did have a pretty gosh darn good time while she was here! We took her downtown, showed her the sights, had a picnic on Mont Royal, finally had pizza at this one silly restaurant that we've been trying to eat at since we moved here, and basically got a chance to hang with one of our faves people in the world. We forgot to take her to the Jean Talon Market, but just imagine a normal farmers' market but bigger. It's lost some of it wonder for me, although I do want to head down and check out all the autumn foods sometime. Anyways, we also took a fabs (Vanessa has forever changed the way I think with her article) trip down to Ottawa with her so that she could re-visit some childhood spots (ex. the cheese factory, that proved to be more of a cheese store located in the middle of no where) and see her aunt and uncle. They were pretty cool people, clearly related to Pauly, and took us all out for Sushi. Yummy, except I don't know how I feel about mango on my sushi. Sadly, the Hershey's Factory shut down a couple years ago, so we couldn't go there. And I just keep falling more and more in love with Ottawa. It is definitely on it's way to making it onto my list of places I'd like to live. We took a lovely walk along the canal and it was just beau-ti-ful. I'm loving autumn on the East Coast.

What else, what else? Umm, Thanksgiving is coming up. We're planning ourselves a nice little turkey dinner. I'm making the candied yams. Dylan taught me how to make them a few years ago when he was catering for a convention at our lovely Em's church that happened to fall on Thanksgiving weekend. Ahh, memories. It is one of the only things that i know how to make. That and veg chili. I'm excited.

I'm having problems with my power cord and it is pissing me off. It's not connecting properly unless I fiddle with it and that worries me. :(

Scotty, I need more power!

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