Sunday, September 26, 2010

Old Lady.

Hello Kiddies,

It's the 26th of Sept, and do you know what that means? My birthday was three days ago!! Woo! Birthday! Huzzah!

...Ok, enough of that.

But I will tell y'all about it. We stayed up until my birthday started, I got to read my birthday card from Dylan's parents (it was really the only thing I got to open this year, so it was exciting). We watched some Daily Show and went night-night. We woke up and decided to go for ice cream, since our previous attempts the day before failed. For some reason, there's a ice cream store that isn't open in the middle of the afternoon or at night. Oh well. We ended up going to this adorable little place that is only open for a few more days and ice cream was 2 for 1 and the owner was the sweetest old man. That evening we went out for ramen and then were going to see a fancy fountain show. But it only runs through the summer and the 23rd of Sept is apparently not really summer...

I also got some emails from family, a voice mail from Grandma, and all my dear friends giving me facebook well wishes. All in all, I feel the love.

Other than that, my hubby got me a pretty-pretty dress. So yesterday we alls went shopping, (except for the mister) so I could get a shrug for it. And, with some of my birthday money, I also bought a couple of sweaters. It was exciting. And we took Pauly out for poutine, because it is a must when visiting Montreal.

We have vague plans to go to the Ottawa area in a couple days. Oh, and if things work out, Clair, Dylan and I might head down to Washington, D.C. on Oct. 30th. A nice benefit of living on the East Coast.

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