Monday, September 6, 2010

So, the other day, our landlords stopped by. We now officially have a signed english copy of our lease (apparently, for a lease to be legal in Quebec, it has to be this one specific form that you can buy at pharmacies or whatnot that has to be filled out by hand). We should be able to get Quebec healthcare now that we can prove that we live here!

We had asked them, when they told us they were coming by, if they could look at our toilet because it runs a bit. So, the husband went and looked at that while we were signing the lease. This alone shocked me since I am used to landlords saying they will fix something and then doing everything they can to avoid it after that. Then he re-did the caulking on the tub, while he was there. He told us that he'd have to have his handyman come in and fix the toilet, and when we mentioned that our taps dripped he told us he'd get the handyman fix that as well. The wife used our front door (which we rarely use), to go get something from her car, and noticed that the door stuck. The husband looked at it, fiddled with it for a couple minutes, and added it to the list of things for the handyman to fix. We also mentioned that the fan in our room wobbled in a worrying way, and they told us that the fan was left by the previous tenant because it was supposed to have some dome light thingy. Regardless, the husband went and took a look, but realized we didn't have a ladder tall enough for him to reach. Oh well. So they came back today and fixed it!

They aren't around often, since they actually live in the States. But they actually do stuff. They fix stuff for us, they return phone calls, they are generally helpful people. I think my head may fall off.

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