Sunday, September 19, 2010

Pauly's here! Fun and excitement abounds! She arrived two nights ago, but unfortunately Dylan was working. So, guess who got to pick her up from the airport? But, don't worry, I did it in my typically neurotic way. Since I didn't want to be driving at rush hour, we left to pick her up at 3:30pm when her flight was expected to arrive at 6:54pm. Yah, we don't live 3.5 hours away from the airport. Our plan was to just sit in a coffee shop near the airport. It ended up being a Subway, but that's not important. Oh, and I also still refused to drive on the highway. So we took regular streets the whole way. Well, except for about the five minutes (at most) that are absolutely necessary to get to the airport. It wasn't that much slower, I swear! And I had my trusty Clair to read out my written directions and look up her phone how far away the streets that I was going to turn onto were. We would have taken the highway back, but for some reason Pauly refused to drive...

I took the picture in black and white because it seems more french to me. Also, I desperately need a haircut.

Yesterday, we took her downtown, walked through Old Montreal and up to St. Catherines. And today we were going to go for a picnic, but a) we are lazy and b) we decided that we would wait for a day that Dylan wasn't working.

I made dinner! Well, I made corn. Clair may have helped out and made the latkas.

That's all. Love love.

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