Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sitting here watching Hubby get ready to go. He's fiddling with his bike. His flight leaves tomorrow morning at 11 am. I'm torn between wanting to stay up all night to spend as much time with him as possible and wanting to go to sleep so that I can stop being sad (and, because let's face it, I'm me and therefore always tired).

Plans for things to keep me busy while Dylan is away:
-Work (please just shoot me now).
-Obsessively follow Japan Andrew's blog for their updates on the trip.
-Do 4 people's taxes and help someone else with theirs.
-Help Japan Andrew with his website by transferring over pictures.
-Singing lessons. They're only once a week, but I can spend time practicing.
-Watch lots and lots of hockey. Playoffs are coming!
-Whatever Clair comes up with to entertain me. So far we have going to a concert on Tues. and making lasagna on Thurs.
-Lastly, I have plans to blog more. I don't know what about exactly. It will probably just be me typing out how bored I am hundreds of times. But that could be fun, right?

Speaking of Japan Andrew's blog, for the few of you who read this who don't already what their website is: The Unframed World. Click on Japan by Bicycle at the top and feel free to donate! They've decided to use their trip as a way to help raise money for earthquake relief and their plan is to have at least one of them do a trip update daily.

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