Friday, March 4, 2011

All this news about Charlie Sheen just makes me want to watch more West Wing.

Hello world. And by world, I mean all three of you. Yah.

There are two things that people who REALLY know me know. First: that I've had a weird obsession with mustard since the summer. Seriously, I put some in pasta I made the other day. Pasta, asparagus, mushrooms, cream cheese, and mustard. I thought it was fantastic, although the asparagus wasn't quite cooked enough. Anyway, secondly: one of my favorite non-Canucks hockey players used to be Maxim Lapierre. Used to be?! OMG, Tammy, you love him! What could he have possibly done to fall out of favour with you? Nothing! It's just that now he IS a Canucks player! I am super excited.

In other news, hmm, yah there isn't really any other news.

Umm, oh, right! My dear hubby's trip is drawing ever nearer. He leaves in three and a half weeks, I believe. So, he obviously has a whole bunch of stuff he needs to do to get ready for that besides training. For one, we have to get online banking sorted out so that I will actually have access to the account that my pay cheque gets deposited into; he also needs to buy more stuff for his bike like a new chain (salt is not really good for it) and new breaks. On top of that, he's gonna have to squeeze in as much time as possible with our dear Clair since she's coming back sometime before he leaves. It's like they are bitter exs who are trading off being here because they know I can't be left alone. Except without the ex part, or the hatred part.

I've been trying to figure out what it is that I'm going to be doing with my life come the summer since, if I do decide to go back to school, the earliest I could do that would be Sept 2012. What do I want to get out of the next year and a half of life? I have it rather haphazardly narrowed down to three cities. Which I was totally fine with and wasn't really feeling any pressure to make a decision on at least until the snow melted (being stuck in -20 degree weather kinda makes you hate being where you are and I felt it unfair to make any decision while in that mindset). BUT, my dear, sweet in-laws gave me the Christmas gift of the promise of tickets to go see Josh Groban in concert whenever and wherever it was going to be happening. And he just came out with his concert dates. And it just so happens that it is in the late summer and he's playing in all three of the cities that are on my list. Now I feel all of this pressure to make a decision because I am SO excited about the idea of seeing him in concert and I want to buy tickets as quickly as possible so that I have them in case it sells out. But I have no idea what where I'm going to be after July 1st. And I know a concert seems like a really stupid reason to make a decision on where to live. But, really, the concert isn't the reason I'm making a decision, it is just the reason that I'm not trying to put it off for longer. Would it be ridiculous to drive 7 hrs. down to Buffalo in June to see him so that I can avoid making this decision?


  1. Ridiculous? I wouldn't say that...

