Sunday, February 27, 2011

Aren't you proud?

In a completely out of character move, I decided to go out last night. I know, right! Not just out, but out to one of thems fancy Montreal cultural thingys that people are always telling me I should take advantage of. Last night was Montreal's La Nuit Blanche, an all night extravaganza to celebrate the end the Montreal Lumière festival. Just don't ask me what the Montreal Lumière Festival was, because I don't really know. Anyways, La Nuit Blanche boasts about 120 seperate venues with everything from a ferris wheel, to fireworks, to crazy art shows, to concerts. The majority of which were free. The Metro even ran all night for it.

But, don't worry, I am still the old lady you know and love - I came no where close to staying out all night. Mostly because Dylan and I both worked at 8 am today. But we did stay out past my normally ridiculously strict bedtime.

What did we decide to do at said festival? Well, we first headed out to this trippy art exhibit at some club that was originally a swimming pool. It was all black lights and craziness, but neat. We went from there to the Cathédrale to Marie-Reine-du-Monde for a classical church choir concert with the big organ and everything. It was super pretty (although whenever I go into a big old cathedral, I always have such mixed feelings). And, for our final stop of the night, we decided to spend the big bucks and pay $2 each for a flashlight tour of the McGill Redpath Museum. Now THAT was super fun. Seriously. Well, except that apparently everyone thought that it would be fun and we ended up waiting outside in the cold for about 45 min waiting to get in. There was a short lecture at first in french (by a lady whose first language was clearly English since she would switch whenever she got flustered and she would completely drop her accent when saying proper nouns). Then we were free to wander around and there were tour guides all over giving tours in English. It worked out well for us and it makes sense because it's McGill and the tour guides were all Anthropology students, but was kinda funny. Our first tour guide was this really laid back guy who was hilarious, but did really know his stuff, That ended up taking longer than we'd thought, so we ended up rushing through the rest because it was after 11pm and I was sleepy. We'll have to go back sometime since the rock exhibit is pretty big and Dylan does so love his rocks (well, and to actually see the exhibits lit up with more than a flashlight).

We found out about this whole thing through my coworker friend lady who I was supposed to go with, but she had a friend visiting and somehow got sucked into hanging out with this big group of people and eating dinner outside on a patio in about -10 degree weather. So we never ended up meeting up. And it sounded like she did not enjoy herself and I felt bad. The invitation, however, was really nice and hopefully it'll work out better next time.

1 comment:

  1. Ooo I like your new profile. And the face that you updated! Hooray!
