Sunday, February 6, 2011

Ok, we got back from Maine. Hung out more then people left. Nice, but not that full of adventure. Yadayadayada. We're into February, I think it's time for me to stop talking about Christmas (as awful as that sounds to my ears!). And as my dear friend pointed out, somewhat exciting things have been happening in my life since then that I've been neglecting to inform you kind folk of since I've been trying to play catch up.

Exciting post-Christmas things in my life:

1) I've started singing lessons. My dear hubby is not one for predictable gifts and he's been getting more and more dedicated to this task seeing as how it's somewhat difficult to surprise the person you've lived with for almost four years and see everyday. But this year, he managed to shock me with this. I didn't know how I felt about it at first, seeing as how I normally do everything I can to avoid singing in front of people. Well, that's a lie. I did know how I felt about it: terrified. I also questioned what exactly I'd learn, seeing as how I've been playing instruments since I was in gr. 4 and have done my fair share of choir. What was this lady going to teach me that I either didn't already know or was too old to be able to do anything about? I figured that I was just one of those people who couldn't. But I'm two lessons in and it's a lot of fun. And she's a really good teacher who really knows her ...stuff. So, it turns out that there may be hope for me yet and I might be able to not embarrass myself in the singing department forever.

2) Dylan and I have taken up skating. When his parents were here, they were kind enough to buy Dylan and I each a pair of used skates. Montreal is sick with free outdoor skating rinks, so we've been availing ourselves of them. Turns out that skating outside is for some reason just way more fun. It makes me feel so Canadian! The other night we went out with a coworker of Dylan's who grew up in Saskatchewan. Man, can that guy skate! And not just skate as in go quickly and not fall down. Like, actually, full on skate. I was absolutely amazed. I think he's the only real live person who can actually play hockey that I've ever known (other than people who played as little kids and whatnot). He thought it was hilarious that I was so impressed. He brought along a couple of hockey sticks and was helping Dylan learn a couple things like how to do hockey stops. And he even let me play and shoot pucks at the net and pass back and forth with him and Dylan. I think it was the first time I've ever held a hockey stick while on ice. I can see why people think it's fun! I morph into a five year old girl when I put on skates and I love it.

Hmm, what else... (hahaha, aren't I funny?)

3) I managed to get meself one of those them job thingys. FINALLY! We can finally live life extravagantly and go out and buy ridiculous luxuries like cheese or meat or maybe even some juice (on occasion - we don't want to spoil ourselves or anything)! I works at call center (another thing Montreal is filled to the brim with). Turns out that I'm actually not allowed to talk about specifics of what I do or who I work for online - they specifically mentioned online social network websites and personal blogs. Woah, working for big companies! Something that I am very much not used to. And I know that the point behind it is so that people don't go and spend pages and pages go on about how awful whatever is or how big of a jerk so and so is which I would never do, but I figure I'll err on the side of caution and tell you all more or less nothing about it. Which I know you are thinking is ridiculous since no one is going to stumble on my modest ol' blog and get mad at me for anything on here, but I'm ever the little rule follower! I've told most of you about it anyway.

Other than that, we're up to our eyeballs in snow with no real end in sight. Mere hours after our street got cleared yesterday, we got probably another 7 or 8 cm. Crazy real winters.

1 comment:

  1. Hooray! Up to date thinggggs. And the most vague uninformative job description ever! I loves it.
