Friday, February 11, 2011


Week two of training is officially finished! It's going well in terms of me understanding everything and I'm even laying some good ground work for making my very own first Montreal friend. She's really sweet, really smart, has good level of chattiness (e.g. sometimes we both just sit at the same table and read our books during break without any awkwardness), and we have the same taste in movies and tv shows. I have a good feeling about this one. But that's besides the point. I got off topic and it's only the first paragraph.

What is my point, you ask?

My point is this: Dylan is awesome.



Now, I know, I know... you're all thinking, 'Yah, duh. Of course he is! Tell me something I don't know.'

But I think that even something as obvious as the awesomeness of my hubby deserves to be restated every once and a while. And what better time than now? Especially since this is being made easier by the fact that he has recently been pulling out all the stops in awesome. Even if we completely overlook how patient and understanding and not totally-constantly-freaking-out-OMG-we-have-no-money!!! he was when I didn't have a job (which we shouldn't), he has made going back to work so easy for me. He makes us dinner every night, packs me adorable lunches to take to work with all sorts of little things he's made or baked to make it more interesting (my coworkers are all horribly jealous), he listens to me go on and on about work stuff (which isn't all that interesting, trust me!), he has yet to complain about how the alarm goes off every morning at 6:30am even on the days where he works nights, and he's been doing his best to wash dishes and do that sort of thing around the house now that I don't have as much time. And the other night he even took me out to a fancy dinner as a Congrats/early Valentine's Day thing.

All in all, he's a pretty rad guy. So, I thought that since Valentine's Day is quickly approaching and that romantic spirit trying its best to infect me, I'd take a minute and share with y'all just how blessed I am that he puts up with little ol' me and with a smile on his face no less. (I hope you'll forgive me for making you vomit 'cause of all the cheese.)


  1. Aw, I loves me some cheese! Yay Dylan!

  2. I might have just gotten really teary eyed. My heart is filled with warm fuzzies.

    ...Okay. I feel an intense need to go do something manly now. Like pump iron and drink beer.

  3. Something manly like re-watch Glee? Face it, I know your secret: you're just a big softy.

  4. I'm totally badass. I just like it when my friends are happy OKAY?

  5. Ok, ok, I'm sorry. You're right. You are TOTALLY bad***.

  6. Somehow I don't feel like you were being entirely serious in confirming my badassery. =P

  7. I'll have you know I just finished cooking some meat and now I am drinking beer. Oh man, if only I had a barbeque.

  8. OMG, I think I just threw up a bit in my mouth....glad I didn't read this until after Valentine's Day or I think it would have been too much cheese to HANDLE!! Lol, you know I'm joking and I'm glad everything's going well over wonder. And I, being the nerd that I am, really appreciated the use of a picture of a proper it wrong to point to something like that and say, "I've totally seen one of those in real life!"??

  9. Well, I think I'm entitled to be somewhat cheesy once every few years or so. I figure it's been ling enough now since the wedding. That is a little creepy, I must say. But also cool. I have a strong desire to see a human brain at some point in my life.
