Monday, May 9, 2011

Don't let my complete lack of updating lead you to believe that I haven't been doing anything. I have. I swear.

A couple weekends ago, Clair and I drove down to Ottawa to check out some neighbourhoods as potential places to live. Highlights of the trip: Getting really lost, getting really really lost, and then getting lost. Oh, then we got lost. Also, worrying the whole time that the muffler would fall off the car after I noticed it, umm, sagging somewhat. But I shoved a thing into some other thing so it was more firmly attached and it's stayed since. After all that excitement, we got coffee in downtown Ottawa to remind ourselves that we actually like the city. Then we got lost.

This last weekend, I decided to make up for all the excitement of the previous weekend by doing nothing. Clair and I had a movie day were we sat on the couch, ate junk food, and (shockingly) watched movies. It's Kinda a Funny Story, Happy-Go-Lucky, and Sunshine Cleaning. And last week's episode of Glee. It was fabulous. Ended the night with the Canucks game and some laundry.

And Sunday, Clair and I tried to go out for breakfast. Kinda failed because apparently a lot of other people had the same idea. Something about Mother's Day. Had singing lessons, which are finishing soon. I think I have two or three lessons left. Then spent most of the rest of the day calling my (grand)mommy(s) and doing some more sitting.

What else? I miss Dylan. That's probably the main reason I haven't been updating too much. Trying to not turn this into one big, 'I miss my husband' fest. He comes home in just over three and a half weeks!

I'm giving my two weeks notice at my job at the end of this week probably. That way, I can try and get some cleaning/packing done before Dylan comes back and before visitors come. (I'm sure our guest will have a lovely time amidst the boxes.) Yep yep.

Ok, by doing stuff, I'm starting to realize that most of what I've been doing is watching hockey and texting daddy-in-law about hockey. It makes me happy, but there's not really a lot for me expand on and it's probably not the most exciting thing for you to read about. I'm actually kinda sad, because I'll have to go the next few days without any Canucks while the other teams series finishes up.

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