Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I do deClair!

Things I learned at Bonnaroo (and on the way there/back):

-Being a dirty hippy is fun. It would, however, potentially be more enjoyable if it were in a place that was somewhat cooler (i.e. not mid to high 30s). And it would be infinitely more enjoyable if it weren't for the dirty part (we totally showered while we were there...yah...)
-You can drink an incredibly large amount of water and not pee at all if all you are doing is sweating.
-Only putting sunscreen on once in a day = getting a sunburn. Putting sunscreen on three times in one day = somehow getting a worse sunburn, this time with ear-blistering consequences. My tan/burn lines are ridiculous.
-All sorts of slang the cool kids use for drugs. There was frequently people standing on the side of walkways calling out for "Lucy" or "Molly." Oh, and lots of people were selling "ice" from their campsite.
-That a LOT of people smoke pot. A LOT.
-And drink beer, which is just gross. Because beer is gross.
-Misting tents are the best thing in the world. They don't really help with the being dirty thing though, since you end up standing in a giant mud pit.
-Our car is awesome. Still running just fine, thank you!
-Siphoning gas is a lot harder than it looks. Even though there were plenty of lovely people who were willing to let us try, and even more people who would have been willing if they had been at all confident that they would be able to leave with enough gas.

So, we left for Tennessee Tuesday evening. Hit New York after talking to a lovely border guard who seemed to think we were weird for going to a music festival when none of us had jobs. The jerk. Drove down through New York, and stayed in Eerie, Pennsylvania for the night. It was a fairly long drive and was the first in a series of late nights for us. In the morning, we lazily got up, Dylan had waffles from a machine and we headed out. Went through Ohio and into Kentucky. We stopped in Columbus for gas and, all of a sudden, there were, seriously, no caucasians. No, wait, there was one guy. After, we went across the street to KFC (the entire staff was African American) and Dylan got a sandwich made of chicken, with some bacon. Oh, and when we drove through Cincinnati and a guy randomly swerved into my lane and scared me. Dylan leaned over and honked at him for me. Stopped for the night in Bowling Green. I was pretty excited for Little Put-Put, aka Big Red, who got to re-visit her ol' stomping grounds. Woke up in the morning with the plan of stopping at the Walmart in Bowling Green, picking up groceries, and making the quick two hour drive to Bonnaroo. Did not turn out that way. Apparently the Walmart website and Google Maps are both liars, because the Walmart was not where it was supposed to be. There was, howevere, a very cute dog. So, we drove around for a while and decided to go to the Walmart in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Did that and headed out to get to Bonnaroo with plenty of time to get our tent set up before the first concert we wanted to see started. And then we hit the interstate. Met both some really nice and really jerkish people in line. Seriously, who cuts ahead of someone who they are going to be in line with for who knows how long?! What should have been a two hour drive, max, ended up taking 8 hours of us crawling along the highway and then side roads. Hence being really low on gas - starting and stopping for that long is hard on a car. We did make it there on our own steam though, thanks to our trusted jerrycan. Actually being able to leave isn't important, right?

Anyway, this is going to have to be a three part installment, because this is already long and I haven't even gotten to the specifics of the festival yet.

1 comment:

  1. You're AWESOME for posting. AND changing the colour. You're the best!
