Saturday, June 26, 2010


Ok, so. Finally finishing what happened with Bonnaroo trip. Yes.

Ok, so we left Bonnaroo with the plan of driving for a few hours, sleeping in the car for a bit and then making it to Virginia to camp for the next night. The night is pretty fuzzy for me, so I don't really know where we stopped. Dylan and Clair tell me that it was in a parking lot, but can't really tell me more than that. Oop, ok, so I was driving at this point. That has to have been safe. it was behind a shopping center! And I pulled off the highway because I was looking for somewhere to stop and there was a sign for Fuddrucker and I didn't think those existed anymore. I couldn't find it, but Dylan was still way too sleepy to drive, so we stopped and slept. Then we woke up, drove for a while and stopped for breakfast at Subway/gas station where the gas attendant was freakishly nice and we ended up talking to the Subway guy for quite a long time. He was adorable. I don't think he had ever really left Tennessee, said that he didn't think that most of the States were worth seeing, but that he would like to visit Canada sometime. And that Bonnaroo would be fun to go to sometime. There was also a mean truck driver who rolled his eyes when we told him that we were from Canada and accused Canadians of all disliking Americans. Drove for a while through until we got to Virginia and stopped for lunch/dinner at the Waffle House. Cutest restaurant ever. Well, mainly just the cutest waitress ever and the food was decent. Lots of processed cheese and that sort of thing. None of us had waffles. Eww, and Southern Sweet Tea is the grossest thing in the world.

Drove for a while, until we finally found a KOA kampground outside of Lexington. Dylan stayed in one on his Sasquatch trip and thought they were great. And they were. They had camp sites that were not right on top of other ones, clean showers, running water, a flush toilet, and a fire pit. Aww, it was paradise. There was even ping pong, but the pool closed early. Sadness. We ate, slept, and were merry.

Morning, woke up, showered again (ahh, the luxury), and decided to see this Natural Bridge we kept hearing so much about. But, in true American style, they had put a big fence up around it and were charging $18 to go and look at it. They added a bunch of random crap to try and justify it, but I really had no desire to see their wax museum or whatever. Drove through Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, and New Jersey at which point we realized that New York City was a mere two hours away. Took that detour and made our way to the George Washington Bridge. Crossed that, got really, really lost, took a few wrong turns, almost caused a horrible accident, and broke a law or two. This resulted in a police officer whipping around the block and pulling up in front of us. Asked us what was up, you know. We told him we were a bit lost, look for Manhattan... He told us that we were in Harlem - at around 11 or 12 at night. Was super nice and pointed us in the right direction. We parked for the cheap cheap price of $16 or so for an hour and a half. Saw Times Square (where I had pepperoni pizza!! In New York! How cool am I?), walked past Rockefeller Center, drove past Ground Zero, and saw the Statue of Liberty from Battery Park.

Our plan from there was to drive enough to get out of the New York surrounding areas and find a nice rest stop to sleep (we left NYC at about 3 a.m.). This took a lot longer than we anticipated and took us through the terrifying Blairstown. There were ghosts. But we ended up finding a swanky rest stop with an underground parking lot that was nice and dark. Ate, and then more or less made our way back into Montreal. The border guard was pretty nice, passed back in no prob.

The End (oh my gosh, finally)!


  1. Ha, I appreciate you not telling everyone that the "ghosts" in Blairstown were me babbling incoherently out of exhaustion about hearing noises and seeing things move...

  2. Hooray! Now onto regular everyday living stuff! I love updates! More updates, yaaaay!

  3. Apparently 9:57 is a popular time to comment! Woo!

  4. Oh my goodness. I am never updating again! That took way too long. And there were NOT any weird spelling/grammar mistakes that I had to go back and fix only once Clair pointed them out to me...

  5. NOOO! There must always be more updates!
