Tuesday, June 22, 2010

So, since we got into Bonnaroo so late, we had missed a few of the bands we had hoped to see. But, luckily, the organizers had thought ahead and not booked anyone huge to play on the first day. Regardless, we parked our car in our spot and headed out to catch a few bands. First band of the festival (that we saw): Need to Breath. After them, a few others, and some delicious samosas, we went back to the campsite (read: tiny square in a sea of cars and tents) to set up our tent and then collapse. Woke up in the morning way earlier than planned due to crazy heat that turned our little tent into an oven.

Got up, lazed around and spent the day watching people and stuff. Noteworthy bands: Ok Go, Kings of Lion, and LCD Soundsystem. Oh, and Dylan and I both cleaned ourselves off in the centre fountain, aka the mud fountain. I'm pretty sure the water in this fountain started off clean at least every morning and was just reused throughout the day. Since there were people in constantly, it got really dirty really quickly. However, it seemed like a better option than paying $7 for a shower. Since LCD Soundsystem finished up at 4am, we were completely exhausted by the end and crawled back to our tent.

Saturday, our morning started off more or less the same. Except we went to the bathrooms earlier since the day before was unfortunate. Wanted to see Conan O'Brian, but were pissed to find out that you were supposed to get ticket way earlier that day and couldn't get in without one, but no one had told us this. Highlights of the day: Norah Jones, the Avett Brothers, and Stevie Wonder. Laying on the grass, drinking copious amounts of water and relaxing to Norah was actually a personal favourite moment in life. Other than those forced moments that are supposed to mean a lot to you, like graduating high school and whatnot. We decided not to stick around and watch Jay-Z and wandered back to our campsite so that we could actually get some sleep. Well, our dear Dylan stayed up and went back to listen to some of the late night bands. He's a crazy man. But a sweet crazy man, since he slept in the car that night as to not disturb us when he came back.

Sunday was the last day of the festival, so we decided that our need for gas was now pressing. We figured we had about a quarter of a gallon left, so most likely not enough to make it out. Especially since we had no idea how busy the roads would be and had heard that it could be quite bad. So we took some hose (that Dylan had acquired the night before...) and asked (or more so re-asked since we had asked them earlier) our dear neighbours (from Nebraska!) if we could siphon some of their gas. Unfortunately, they had a huge SUV whose gas tank was really far away from the fill cap and our hose wasn't long enough. So, on we went, asking kind strangers if we could siphon out some of their gas and people were really nice. Except that most people who owned cars didn't know if they had enough gas to make it out and very apologetically said no, and we had the same problem with other people's SUVs as we'd had with the first one. Enter a nice man with a car who did have gas and was willing to let us steal some. Our initial tube was too wide to make it to the tank, but we duct taped it to another more narrow one. And finally Dylan got a mouthful of gas instead of just fumes (we had a few concerns about the long term consequences to his health), but that was pretty much it. We probably got about a cup of gas, but it just would not flow. We think because of the difference in diameter of the two hoses. So, defeated, we pulled out the hose. Ooops. Duct tape doesn't handle getting wet real well. There is, in fact, a man driving around somewhere in the States who has a piece of hose stuck in his car put there by us. He took it really well. After that, we decided to cave and call a local towing company that had been coming around to the festival and picking people's locks for them, giving them boosts, and selling them gas at the low, low price of $10 a gallon (normally costs about $2.75 a gallon in that area). WIth a 5 gallon minimum. Sucked, but at least we didn't have to worry anymore. Packed up our tent and off we went to enjoy the last day of fun in the sun. Remarkable acts of the day: Regina Spektor and Phoenix. None of us were ridiculously crazy about seeing all of the headliner for that day, Dave Matthews Band, so we stuck around for a few songs and then headed to the car and said goodbye to Bonnaroo.

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