Saturday, July 3, 2010

Life as we know it.

Bonnaroo ended and we come to Montreal to return to life as usual. So, naturally, the first thing we did was go to a concert. The New Pornographers, to be more specific. We actually bought the tickets quite a while ago and they were the first real commitment we made to being in Montreal at a set date. Very good show. We were pretty much front and center and crowds in Montreal are apparently not the pushing and shoving kind.

Since, then life has quieted down. Being applying to jobs, checking out apartments, and getting to know the fair city of Montreal. I got a call from the first place I applied and went in for a trial shift. But it sucked, so I'm planning on turning it down. In terms of apartments, we hit up Craigslist, sent out a bunch of emails, and went and looked at a couple. And the landlord at one of the places really liked us, and we thought the place was cute and within our budget. If that wasn't enough, she offered us July free to move in, so we took it. But, since we are the people we are, it turns out that in Montreal refrigerators and stoves are not included in unfurnished apartments. No worries though, we went back to our bff, Craigslist, and have so far found a stove for $50.

Oh, we went to Ottawa! Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day a big deal in Quebec and falls on the 24th of June, and Canada kinda takes a back seat. So, we figured, 'What better way to celebrate the Nation's birthday that to go to the Nation's capital?' Saw the Parliament Buildings, some pretty cool fireworks and wandered around. Ottawa definitely falls at the top of my list of most livable cities in Ontario, with the only real competition being Kenora.

Sorry for the short, lame update.

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