Saturday, July 31, 2010

You may call me Lasagna Noodle.

Hi y'all. Clair made me pasta!

What's new with me? WELL...

Yah, that was a bit too dramatic. You should know by now that I am not that exciting.

Today, officially moved out of our sublet and into our new place. We were trying to be jerks in some way since the sublet guys have sorta been jerks to us. When we moved in, they left some of their dirty dishes in the sink, they left all of their bathroom stuff exactly where I'm assuming it stays (as in, a loofa still hanging in the shower), didn't bother to empty out their closets for us, and just generally left the place like they had stepped out for coffee for a few minutes. Add to that the fact that one of the guys kept popping in with pretty short notice to pick up his mail or what not and the other guy sent Clair condescending text messages asking when we were planning on leaving, because he was getting back early (even though normally when you pay rent for the month, you get the whole month!), and asked us to clean up because he wouldn't have much time because he had to work on Monday. Then there was the whole internet thing. Needless to say, we were somewhat annoyed at them. But, we generally fail at being mean people. I am pretty sure that I am incapable of moving out of a place without cleaning the bathroom, sweeping, and wiping off things that are dirty. Clair and Dylan wouldn't let me wash the floors, though. Combine that with the fact that we are actually somewhat clean people and the apartment looked pretty good. They thanked us for it. I felt sad. But really, the only reason it ever looked bad was because all of our stuff was shoved in piles because there was no where to put it - take out our stuff, and it looks exactly the way they left it. Anyway, we take comfort in the fact that their fridge is almost completely empty, we ate a whole bunch of their food, they have no ink left in their printer, and they have no laundry detergent and that sort of stuff. We did refrained from stealing their Starbucks card. We also didn't steal their fridge.

In other news, as of this past Monday, I have been married for two years. Do I still count as a newly wed? How long before you are no longer newly wed? It seems like two years is both too long and not long enough. Anyway, we went for a picnic on the top of Mount Royal is the afternoon, which was pretty much perfect (although scampering down a mountain in flipflops and a dress is tricky). Then we took advantage of the fact that we had two places and spent the night here, hanging out just the two of us. We were going to have dinner and watch a movie, but we were still way too full from our picnic and forgot the movie back at the other place. Instead, we ate crackers and watched a couple of episodes of a Japanese tv show. Boring, but nice.

My top 3 reasons we've made it 2 years (other than loving each other, blah blah blah) (yes, I am too lazy to make a top 10 or even a top 5):

-Constantly bickering. If we are threatening to stab each other in the throat every 5 minutes because the other one left something on the floor or criticizes the way the first one parked the car, there really isn't a chance for problems to build up. It normally takes people a while to get used to, but it's our way.

-Our king sized bed. Stolen blankets, drowning with the other person's sweat and elbows to the face are just not an issue. Seriously. Love it.

-Our super-fantastic friends and family. The dudes and dudettes who would do anything, anytime to help us out. The ones that love and support not only us individually, but the two of us together. It is hard to think back on the wedding and to not realize how lucky we are, both for the people we knew then and for the people we have met since. It may be cheesy, but that don't make it any less true. We love you.

Oh, we also had dinner with two friends of Dylan's uncle last night. (Wow, talk about not following any sort of chronological order!) It was a lot of fun. They had us over to their house, they fed us, they answered all of our questions about Montreal, and gave us some suggestions about where to get a cheep fridge. Super nice people and they have an adorable baby too. They asked why we didn't bring along Clair. And man, did they ever feed us. So good. Chicken, and vegetables, potato salad, tea, tofu chocolate mousse, cherries. Nom nom nom. But it was really nice to go out, talk to new people and feel somewhat less alone here. What more could you ask for?

Ok, that's it. Night-night world.

1 comment:

  1. Well Mark is still alive, so I take it this is my surprise? Cause this is a much better surprise than finding Oro sitting over my cat's body munching on her heart. A MUCH better surprise. =D

    PS. You are TOO CUTE.
