Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Like the Boomerang.

Hmm, I feel like I should update you all on our lives. But we are pretty boring people, so I don't have much to say.

We went down and watched some fireworks this evening. Montreal has an international fireworks thing a lot like the Celebration of Light in Van. Tonight was Canada's night. Not that fireworks are a rare occurrence in Montreal, since apparently there are fireworks all the freaking time. I think that there are fireworks somehow related to Just For Laughs more or less every night. Between that and us living right down the street from the Alouette's stadium, night around here haven't been overly quiet. Luckily, I don't really care...

I've been putting some thought into going beck to school sometime. As of Sept. 2011, I will have been a resident of Quebec for a couple of months and be eligible for Quebec university prices. And, let me tell you, living a couple blocks away from a University is not making it any less tempting. Anyway, McGill offers a somewhat bizarre BSW/MSW two year combo thingy that looks pretty perfect. But there are a lot of things I need to figure out/do/get in order before deciding if that is what I want to do. For instance, they want some work/volunteering experience in a SW related field. Which, in case you are wondering, I do not have. I could also apply to U of T. Or I could kill Alyssa for the life insurance money. There are so many options! Life is just so intimidating. Dylan and I were talking the other day and apparently for us to successfully accomplish everything we want to in the next ten years, we should have started when we were 5. There are just so many things that seem easiest to do while we are this age.

Dylan has been spending most of his time at the new place since he is cat-sitting near there. Oh, except apparently we are on a yoga kick, so we hauled our butts down to the Y yesterday and are going back tomorrow (fyi, my muscles are not a fan of this plan).

I got jealous of Clair and all of her pictures that prove that she is alive, so I decided to steal her idea and take a picture with my webcam. I tried to use fancy effects and have us sitting in front of the Eiffle Tower (it is french, and I know people who are currently in Paris...) or on a beach at sunset, but that didn't work and came out really weird with lines and pixels in the wrong place and whatnot.

That is all I feel like sharing with you fine folks at this moment in time. Take that! So ha! Or something like that...


  1. Oi! No killing! Bad! ...Although my life insurance policy is only $33,500. Which won't get you too far, so I probably shouldn't worry.

  2. AH. The little verification word thing to post comments was just "oftodie" which isn't a word...but when you think about it it sounds like OFF TO DIE.

    Everything is out to get me tonight! =\

  3. Hmm, $33,500 is a lot of money. Enough for Dylan and I to live on for probably two years.
