Friday, July 9, 2010

I'm watching you.

Ok, so I actually wrote this yesterday, but couldn't post it since our internets aren't working.

So, it might be somewhat uncouth to admit to this, but I've been stalking you all. Or at least watching you watch me. I added a gadget thingy that allows me to know who visits mine here blog. And I must say, there are more of you than I expected. I.e. more than just Clair and Alyssa read this. Well, ok, them and the occasional visit from various family members. Freaks me out! Not that there are more than a dozen of you. But now I feel all this pressure to be witty or entertaining or form coherent sentences. Don't feel too alarmed, though. The gadget more or less only tells me what city are from, so the 90% of you that are from Victoria are safe (except I've more or less pieced together which one is Alyssa!). None of this is at all important. But would it kill ya to say hi every once in a while? I feel like our relationship is somewhat one sided...

So, what has this crazy group of folk been up to? Well, a couple of days ago, while on the way to check out a stove for our new apartment, little Putt-Putt turned a corner and decided she needed a bit of a break. Luckily (the ridiculous kind of luck that only my husband's family has), it was RIGHT BESIDE a service station. LIterally, we stopped in front of the house next to it. A couple days and a few hundred dollars later, she's feeling back in tip top shape, now equipped with a new distributor (Anyone? Any ideas? 'Cause I have none). But congrats to Dylan and his dad (on the phone) for correctly figuring out what was wrong! I've been driving that car for over a year now and all I know is that she is red, you can't turn the key too hard or it gets stuck, and that making sure she has gas and oil is important. Oh, and Dylan's dad was trying to tell me that I needed to smell something sometimes to make sure something was working?

Ha, I just told Dylan that the ignition coil ignites coils. I think his head is going to explode. Bah, and he told me how little the battery does. The lazy bum!

Sorta related - we got ourselves a stove! Ahh, Craigslist, how we love thee. So, since we needed someway to pick up said stove and our one month free of storage was almost up, we rented ourselves a u-haul van and Monday was moving day. Acquired the stove (and the free kitchen table the guy threw in) and emptied out the storage unit, all with very few problems. Now all we have to do is move the stuff we have here to the new place and we are good to go. Well, and unpack. And get a fridge. That might be the biggest hurdle.

And these last few days all we have done is stew in our own sweat. But it should be cooling off by Saturday, I think? Tomorrow is going to suck though, since it is supposed to be low thirties, with humidity up at about 90%.

P.S. Ok, so the weather was no where near as bad as expected today. It poured rain and there was a pleasant breeze. Humidity was still a pain, but we were much happier. Well, between that and the Bones marathon...

1 comment:

  1. Am I the one that checks daily? =P And hay! I totally comment. See? Comment. Aaand that's a little freaky by the way. =D

    The fact that your car broke down outside the service station made me lol.

    And Bones marathons are AWESOME.
