Friday, April 8, 2011


Ok, so less timely than part 3. But I promised Pauly that I'd upload this today. What better way to start my weekend?

Apparently I say, 'shocking!' too much.

Unfortunately, part 3 contains the least exciting questions, in our humble opinion.

In other news, really, Japan got another earthquake? Really?! For those of you not following the trip, Hubby is there now and was no where near where it was. So he's perfectly fine. But the poor country just can't seem to catch a break. Although their trip has so far raised almost half their goal, which is awesome! Especially since the bike trip itself doesn't start for another 4 days. I'm so proud of them for taking a really fun thing and turning it into a way to raise money for such a good cause. ...Because I'm just that kind of cheesy wife, apparently. Who knew?

And my fantastically wonderful coworker friend found another job, so today was our last day working together. Which is sad for me, but her new job sounds like it is a really good opportunity for her. And I'm determined to hang with her so we don't loose touch. We're having celebration sushi tomorrow.


  1. Hooray! That definitely brightened my day. My day of awfulness. Sigh.

    Plus it's super cute that you had to talk about Vampires. Teehee.

  2. You suck. You lied and said you would update but you DIDN'T. What is up with that? How do you expect me to go on without constant updates on your life? JEEZ.
