Thursday, September 29, 2011

I'm no liar.

I promised an update after my trip home and an update you will get!

It was lovely. The end.

Haha, aren't I hilarious? No, seriously, it was more or less everything I could have asked for. I got to see a whole bunch of fantastic people, I got to go to a wedding (where Hubby even won the trophy!), I got to relax and have fun, I got to take a side trip to Van, I got to have a picnic in the woods. The only thing missing was the always lovely Dylan's mommy. Well, and the trip could have been a bit longer too.

So, I (obviously) flew in and was picked up by my Paul-Face. After meeting Hubby and me getting to drive by myself across town to (you wouldn't know it if you've met me in the past couple years, but I do love driving - it just apparently has to be at home), then... ahh... then I got a sandwich. And not just any sandwich, BUT a sandwich made by my favourite daddy-in-law. This was a much awaited sandwich. I could write an entire blog post about how much I love his sandwiches. I won't, at least not today, but believe me that they are amazing. From there I went on and saw my Mom and Dad and Grandma. Caught up a bit with them before heading off to tormented a sales associate for half an hour trying to find a good wedding present, and finally to pick up Em so I could hang out with her since it was the only day that she was in town the whole time I was there (boo). Then a bunch of lovely people came over to Dylan's and we hung out for the evening until I more or less passed out from exhaustion.

Then the next day was the wedding! Oh, I almost cried! I didn't get close to crying at my own wedding, but this one almost did me in. I was so excited to see my friends get married and I thought their minister did an awesome job of describing the beauty that can come from committing yourself to that person for the rest of your life (maybe I'm getting soft in my old age?). I got to catch up with some more lovely people at the reception, notably Allison and the bride and groom.

Ok, can't keep going through day by day or this will quickly become really long. Highlights:
-Having dinner at my Mom and Dad's, seeing them all and getting to spend time with my lovely nieces. The older one isn't scared of Hubby anymore and I hadn't seen the younger one since she was in the hospital after she was born.
-Getting to meet/know the lovely Ashley. She's lovely. I say we keep her.
-Almost dying at WildPlay, the stupid outdoor tree-top adventure thing. Not really almost dying, but it was terrifying. And my husband is a freaking monkey and has no fear of death.
-A pre-wedding lunch with my girlies. And Jordan.
-Getting my hair cut. So much easier to do when you know where a half-decent place to go is.
-Permanently marring my body.
-Hanging out in Vancouver with my sister, even if I did spend way too much on sushi and sorta steal her sweatshirt.
-My daddy-in-law being a sweetie and staying up late to hang out with us, and playing silly role-playing card game with us, and buying me my gross bagel/cream cheese combo, to name just a few things.
-Paul-Face. I didn't get to spend as much time with her as I'd have liked, but it is always uber fun to hang with that.

That being said, one of the best parts of the whole trip had to be stepping outside after the flight. It just smelt like home and that was exactly what I needed. Adventuring around is great and all, but nothing quite compares to that feeling. Gush. I could continue this trend of being really sappy, but I'll spare you.

As many rants as I've gone on about how people make fun of the Island and laugh at how 'quaint' it sounds (also, no, there is no bridge!), it was interesting to go home after being away and living in much bigger cities. Because it is kinda quaint (although I maintain that you can only call it that if you come from there!). You can get everywhere so quickly, the malls are smaller, there aren't as many options for some things like restaurants and whatnot, you run into people you know who then turn out to be a friend of a friend, and I swear you will not find another city in Canada where people actually drive more safely or considerately (it helps that I know where I'm going and don't get lost as easily). And, I've been trying to figure out exactly how for a while, but West Coast friendly and East Coast friendly are two very different things. I would say that West Coast friendly seems more genuine, but of course I'd feel that way since that's what I grew up with and what makes sense to me.

Okee, this is officially long enough. If I think of anything else I just have to write about, I can do so later. Bye lovelies!