Monday, October 10, 2011



Had a lovely Thanksgiving dinner last night. I like to think that our boss purposefully gave us both a day off so we could have dinner together. That or it was just a coincidence. But it worked out either way. We had Kyle over, along with a coworker who doesn't have family in town and therefore had no plans. And we made ourselves a fancy turkey feast! And by we, I mean all I did was tidy up the apartment and make the yams. Other people handled the actual cooking. Oh, and Clair made a fantastic pumpkin cheesecake. I kinda want to eat nothing but this cake for the rest of my life. It held it's own against pumpkin pie, which is impressive since I didn't previously know of many deserts that could accomplish such a feat.

It was, however, the first Thanksgiving I've spent apart from Hubby since we spent our first one together in 2003. Sadness. And considering most years we did the whole two family dinners, I was plenty used to being thankful for his face this time of year. Pretty sure I talked to him on the phone 30,000 times yesterday though, even if he kept shoving the phone off to whoever happened to be nearby.

Yes yes. Anything else to report on? Hmm, hockey is starting up again, so that is probably going to start taking over my life again real soon. Good times. I don't know. I've had a really good last week. Life's good. What more do you want?


  1. Sure, shoving the phone off to everyone but me. D=

  2. You commented freakishly soon after I updated. And it wasn't my fault he's trying to keep us apart!
