Sunday, December 4, 2011

Oh, right. I have a blog.

So, what's new?

P-Face was out to visit us last month. Awesome! Although it did force me to realize that the other times she came and visited us, we didn't just sit around doing nothing because we were poor. We sat around doing nothing because we're lame. Yah, there may have been lot of sitting around doing nothing this trip as well. Sadness that I didn't get to spend as much time with her as I'd have liked. There's this stupid thing called work that gets in the way of staying up all night eating chips with your bestest buddy. But, it was awesome to spend time with awesome friend. Even if one of those days was spend with me in the bathroom throwing up. 'Cause that happened. Turns out another down side of working is that you get sick more easily than when you sit inside, avoiding people.

I was kinda a jerk, and made awesome new friend send me an epic email with 50 interesting things about her. So, to shave off a sliver of jerkiness, I'm emailing her 50 interesting things about me. Quick! Tell me something interesting about myself! I'm at #25 now.

Work's going good. I went out dancing with some coworkers yesterday. Tons-o-fun, except for the cold that is currently trying to kill me. But, I'm pretty sure the best cure for any illness is to stay up until 2:30am sweating with a bunch of strangers in a filthy dark room. Yah. In other news, I'm staying out here for Christmas, but booked off time in January for another trip home!! Omg! So much Tammy in Victoria goodness! Now, I'm just working on convincing myself that Christmas is actually Jan 25th. There was a seat sale and it made sense in my brain.

Oh, and since I tend to talk about hockey way too much on here, Dylan and I are going to a game NEXT WEEKEND!! A real, live NHL game! Neither of us have ever been to a Canucks game before and I've never been to a hockey game live. But, in a huge fluke, the Canucks are playing the Sens right in time for his birthday, so we pretty much had to go. Pretty much the best thing ever.

1 comment:

  1. Omg. I almost automatically clicked away from the page since I wasn't expecting another update ever. Hooray for updates! You should do them more often.
